Introducing the zSecurity Hacking Wireless Adapters
I have been teasing this for a while now on our social media and I did mention in our last 2 blog posts that we have so much cooking in the background. Today I’m so happy to finally announce the release of the first version of our hacking wireless adapters.
We are releasing 2 versions, one with the famous RealTek RTL8812AU chipset that supports both 2.4 and 5Ghz frequencies, and one that only supports 2.4Ghz frequencies but comes with the solid Atheros AR9271 chipset.
These are still the best 2 chipsets in my opinion as they are supported by most Linux dirtros and support Monitor mode, AP mode and packet injection.
Checkout the product listings below for more information :
1. zSecurity Dual Band USB Wireless Adapter – 2.4 & 5 Ghz Realtek RTL8812AU.
2. zSecurity 2.4 Ghz USB Wireless Adapter – Atheros AR9271

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1 Comment
zSecurity Dual Band USB Wireless Adapter – 2.4 & 5 Ghz Realtek RTL8812AU
i have a doubt that in filling the checkout form what to take in shipping section as i live in INDIA that asendia section explain me that again plz..
and how do you make that product i also want to learn to make it..