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  • #33273

    Hello Zaid,
    I am using Kali VBox image from your site and my AR8812AU from Alfa is detected correctly. However ‘airodump-ng wlan0’ returns weird results.
    Seems it cannot detect access points, just the clients. Trying different bands with similar effect. I do not see same issue on single band atheros (also from Alfa).
    Could you please have a look and suggest what can be wrong / how to fix that :

    CH 8 ][ Elapsed: 5 mins ][ 2020-04-02 04:02


    C8:D7:B0:CB:74:E5 -1 0 0 0 -1 -1 <length: 0>
    80:35:C1:79:39:25 -81 0 0 0 -1 -1 <length: 0>
    00:12:2A:73:20:18 -77 0 0 0 -1 -1 <length: 0>
    50:D4:F7:92:C9:DF -81 0 0 0 -1 -1 <length: 0>

    BSSID STATION PWR Rate Lost Frames Probe

    C8:D7:B0:CB:74:E5 D4:25:8B:B2:51:01 -45 0 – 1 0 31 AndroidAP
    (not associated) DA:A1:19:F5:FD:85 -43 0 – 1 0 10
    (not associated) 34:6B:46:FF:5E:A9 -53 0 – 1 0 28
    (not associated) 28:3A:4D:37:9F:35 -57 0 – 1 0 195
    (not associated) 02:2F:07:7C:45:CB -61 0 – 1 0 5
    (not associated) 0A:A6:FE:BC:74:DC -71 0 – 1 0 4
    (not associated) 4C:0F:6E:70:83:24 -59 0 – 1 78 31 NETIASPOT-8B8D90
    (not associated) 0C:2F:B0:68:AA:20 -73 0 – 1 0 2 NETIASPOT-732010
    (not associated) FE:0B:54:C0:3B:5A -73 0 – 1 0 7
    (not associated) 2A:81:BA:70:8C:0E -77 0 – 1 0 14 Hertwig_99_5G,ROLKRAK,Kaer Morhen,ALLTEAM_WAWA,WroPort-E,ROLX,Wifi Hotel Pinei
    (not associated) 46:9F:72:4D:29:7E -77 0 – 1 0 7
    (not associated) C0:EE:FB:C5:C8:89 -79 0 – 1 0 1
    (not associated) 4E:C3:AA:41:92:01 -79 0 – 1 0 4
    (not associated) 64:D1:54:90:04:18 -79 0 – 1 265 21 wlan_tramwaje
    (not associated) DA:A1:19:1E:52:50 -49 0 – 1 0 12
    (not associated) DA:A1:19:7E:3A:38 -57 0 – 1 0 9
    (not associated) DA:A1:19:D9:5F:D2 -73 0 – 1 0 5 nc+
    (not associated) 74:40:BB:63:61:C1 -81 0 – 1 0 3
    (not associated) E0:B6:55:03:05:5B -35 0 – 1 0 22 yogisub-5G,yogisub-5g
    (not associated) 6C:C7:EC:43:C0:3F -69 0 – 1 0 2
    (not associated) DA:A1:19:64:9D:14 -71 0 – 1 0 5
    (not associated) 4A:E8:BE:CA:82:4F -81 0 – 1 0 1
    (not associated) 2A:A1:0B:B2:46:7D -79 0 – 1 0 1
    (not associated) AE:DD:4C:05:DF:2E -79 0 – 1 0 1
    (not associated) 72:70:9E:35:AA:2B -79 0 – 1 0 2
    (not associated) DA:A1:19:4C:C4:75 -79 0 – 1 0 1
    (not associated) D0:04:01:2D:F2:8F -77 0 – 1 0 8
    00:12:2A:73:20:18 50:76:AF:1A:D2:A4 -77 0 – 1 0 9 NETIASPOT-732010

    Thanks in advance. Best Regards, Krzysztof

    Zaid Sabih


    Please try the following:

    – Make sure you connect the adapter directly to the computer, don’t use a hub or an extension.

    – Experiment with connecting it to a different USB port.

    – Experiment with connecting the adapter before and after Kali fully loads (don’t forget to attache it from the device menu).

    – Experiment with setting Virtual Box to use USB 2 and USB 3 from the usb settings window.


    Aaargh, shame on me! Apparently I forgot to install VBox extensions and, thus, I had only USB 1.1 support available in my machine settings.
    This was the root cause of the problem. It also caused some issues with another card but I found that disabling adapter under windows until Kali starts helps a lot.
    Now both adapters work as hell without any tricks.

    Sorry for bothering you with such stupid matters and help for great hints that were helpful to find the answer!
    BR Krzysztof

    Zaid Sabih

    Great stuff, I’m glad you figured it out πŸ™‚

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