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  • #10824

    I have followed every step you did in the lecture, but everytime it says that my port is closed. I have opened it on my windows firewall in the rules, and i have configured router few times and everytime it is the same result. I have tehnicolor router which in forwrding asks for internal and external ip adress and port. I have tried every possible combination and everytime the port is closed. Can you help me somehow? I will be very thankful.


    I forgot to mention that I have tried eth0 down but that was not helpful

    Zaid Sabih

    How did you know the port is closed?? did you check with ??

    If so then it might be your ISP preventing you from opening the port, please contact them and ask then if they are blocking port forwarding.


    Yes I have checked at but it said error because I am an idiot. I have dynamic IP which I have not noticed until now… Do you have any advices what is the best way to change to static?
    Thank you for the answer, hope you have a good day 🙂


    Hello again Zaid, everytime I have tried using canyouseeme, it gives a very quick response, just a couple of seconds and says connection timed out, this is any port even ones that I know are open, does this site actually work?

    Zaid Sabih

    @PharaohAthem – You’ll have to either contact your ISP and ask for a static IP, or use a service like no-ip.

    – yeah it works, I just tested it here, if its saying it can’t see the port then the port is not visible, so make sure that you configured port-forwarding properly, and make sure that you actually have that port open, if you are sure you configured everything properly then contact your ISP and see if they allow you to open ports, cause sometimes they require extra fees for that.


    Thanks Zaid, I trust things are well with you, definately my problem, I had modified some router settings when I disconnected an ip camera and completely forgot just old age catching up with me!!!.

    Zaid Sabih

    Heu Arthur,
    Hahaha, I’m glad you figured it out 🙂


    how to port forward SLT ADSL2+ router

    Zaid Sabih

    Hello Sithumnimlaka,
    Did you try the method covered in the course? I don’t have that router myself so I’m not 100% sure of the exact steps, but the general steps shown here should work.



    Please I have a question.

    When working on a Kali OS RDP system that is already connected to the internet, do I still need to configure my network to allow incoming connections from the internet from outside my RDP network?
    I also do own a wires adapter, I only have a wifi modem.


    Zaid Sabih

    Hello Akabueze,
    That depends on what you’re trying to achieve, please start a new post and tell us exactly what you want to do.

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