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  • #33888

    I have been unable to get fatrat to generate a backdoor like how shown. after hitting the generate backdoor button it acts like it is doing something then gives me errors saying it cant create files. i have tried several other options and have reinstalled a few times also. havent found any help on the net either.

    Zaid Sabih

    What OS are you trying to generate a backdoor for? and can you please show me a screenshot of the result?


    trying to create the backdoor for windows like you show in the class. I don’t see a button here to attach a screenshot! here are the errors:

    cat: powershell_attack.txt: No such file or directory
    rm: cannot remove ‘unicorn.rc’: No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat ‘powershell_attack.txt’: No such file or directory

    There was an error creating the backdoor

    Zaid Sabih

    Did you run the installer as shown in the course before using the fat rat?
    If so did it run with no errors?
    And are you using the custom Kali image that I made for this course?


    I did use the installer – no errors. I am using the kali version that I initially downloaded (kali 2019.1) while using the first class I took – ethical hacking, then hacking with python. I eventually took the advanced networking class and downloaded your latest image of kali but found that many programs needed to be installed on this new image which was a pain since they were already there. I ran into too many issues so I decided just to use the image that worked. I have upgraded several times since the original download early last year.

    here is the screenshot –


    I installed fatrat on the custom image and it works! not sure why it doesn’t on the other Kali!!!

    Vashisht Boodhun

    Glad to know that you were able to fix this issue. Please don’t hesitate to contact if you need anything else:)

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