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  • #38777

    When I run (./reaver –bssid FC:10:C6:D3:9C:E9 –channel 1 –interface wlan0 -vvv –no-associate) then (aireplay-ng –fakeauth 30 -a FC:10:C6:D3:9C:E9 -h 00:11:7F:1B:E7:1E wlan0), it works fine till I get this warning (WARNING: Detected AP rate limiting, waiting 60 seconds before re-checking). After 60 seconds it shows the same message again.
    What is the problem?

    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    You can try to flood the AP using a tool called MDK3, this causes SOME routers to reset and unlock WPS, you can do that using the following command:

    mdk3 wlan0mon a -a [interface] -m

    Hope it helps!


    Shall I run the same command, or change something in it?


    I ran the command but it is still giving te same error. But sometimes it shows this error (WPS transaction failed (code: 0x03), re-trying last pin).

    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    You have to specify the name of your wireless adapter instead of wlan0mon, and instead of [interface] the mac address of the router you are attAre you sure you are using the latest custom kali image provided by Zaid? It’s important!ng.

    As mentioned in the lecture this method only works against some routers, it won’t work against modern routers or ones that use PBC, Zaid still covered this though cause if it works then its a very good method to get the password as it is guaranteed, if it didn’t work then please try the method explained in the next lectures.
    See this method only works if the target uses pin authentication, because when PBC is enabled the router will refuse all requests and all pins even if we send it the right pin unless the wps button is pressed. If you are the attacker you won’t know if your target is using PBC authentication or not, you have to try this method, it is still works against some routers and if it is working it will give you a clear way to get a key.

    Hope it helps!


    Will this method work if WPS is locked?

    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    Hi MTH!

    We use mdk3 to flood the router and some of them may reset, this will unlock the router. But may not work for all of them.


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