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  • #36344

    In lecture 8.5, an apache2 server is created for downloading the files on my Windows virtual computer. I did the same as that, and everything was on track. Then, I ran the ‘service apache2 start’ command, and it also worked fine. However, when I tried to access the server with my computer’s IP address, using the web browser, the website states that it can’t be connected, and it’s not found. Why is this happening? Can I know all the possible reasons for it? Thanks.

    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    Hi Dennis!
    Can you show the results of:

    ifconfig and route -n in kali

    ipconfig and arp -a in windows



    Hi, Diego. Here are the screenshots of kali and windows:
    Kali: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tx5lXue1ZYrm-IbyE8oxk9IGjt_n-QXR/view
    Windows: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ltmHSmXu0AjmVtP3m_lKGqMc7YLSEVrw/view

    Also, can I know the difference between ‘ifconfig/ipconfig’ and ‘route -n/arp -a’ commands? Thanks.

    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    Hi Dennis!
    I can’t access your photos, I can read your questions so please ask it just once and in the same thread.

    ifconfig wirks only in Unix-like OS and show active interfaces, route -n shows gateways
    ipconfig is the ifconfig version for windows arp -a shows all the connected devices to the same network as windows.

    Hope it helps!

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