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  • #35452
    Tom Harrow

    When I execute the URL to establish the reverse connection, no connection is made by netcat. DVWA is set to “low. I receive these two messages right below the URL bar:
    “Warning: include(http:/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/index.php on line 35.
    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘http:/’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:../../external/phpids/0.6/lib/’) in /var/www/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/index.php on line 35”.
    This is similar to errors I got with local file inclusion.

    Both Kali and Metasploitable are set to NatNetwork; Kali apache2 server is running. Phpini file edited to allow_url On. Thanks is advance.

    Vashisht Boodhun

    Can you paste the exact url used there?

    Tom Harrow


    This is the exact URL I used –

    kali machine is on, with apach2 server started. dvwa is on reverse.txt file is in /var/www/html directory. Dvwa set to “low” security. Thanks in advance for your help. Have not had any luck finding the solution searching the web.

    Vashisht Boodhun

    Can you try clearing the browsing history for the kali machine?

    Tom Harrow

    That didn’t work, so I got to thinking about the php file. Since it had an extension of .txt, it probably couldn’t be executed without adding execution permissions. I did that and now it works. Thanks,


    Zaid Sabih

    Perfect, glad you figured it out πŸ™‚

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