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  • #167694

    I’ve tried this twice and i’m not sure what’s happening at this point but i’m not able to install the TLS certificate as per lesson in bypasing MFA. I used two different Domain one hosted in Godaddy and BLuehost. I”m not sure why i continue to get the same error message.

    [18:46:40] [err] failed to set up TLS certificates: obtaining certificate: [] Obtain: [] creating new order: attempt 1: HTTP 429 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited – Error creating new order :: too many failed authorizations recently: see (ca=

    Based on ACME clients requesting authorization via the DNS-01 validation method usually require that you create a CNAME record in your main DNS zone which allows the ACME client to set the required DNS records during the validation process. Failed DNS-01 validations are usually the result of missed steps or typos during this initial setup process.

    I added all of the A records as per the lesson.
    What CNAME record do I need to add?

    Thank you in advance

    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    The error mentions too many failed authorizations, so leave to rest for a while. Did you correctly set and enable the CNAME in the DNS section of the registrar settings?


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