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  • #41818

    Hi, i have a problem with the installation i downloaded the iso file from link 1 but after i used refus to make the usb usable and go to boot system installer it just loads up kali linux with a user named “Kali” just like in the vm custom kali it does not give me any options to install the kali its self on the laptop plus everything is very laggy how do i fix this and get the installation for the pc so i can dual boot and not a live boot up?

    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    Did you watched the vide that is also included in the page?

    Hope it helps!


    yes ofcorse i did at 2:03 when i do “Boot System Installer” it do not get the installing page it just boots kali up live and does not give me the option to install kali as a dual or main machine, just like the Virtual machine one also with the “Kali” user and its even more laggy and slower then the virtual machine on my windows

    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    That should be an issue with your machine, maybe try to do a google research on how to do a partition in your hard drive so you can install kali as main OS, but looks for info related to your exact computer’s brand and model. Also custom kali ISO shound’t give you kali as default user, did you download the custom or official one?

    Let me know.

    Zaid Sabih

    Yes the method above shows how to install Kali as a main OS , does not show how to duel boot it, if you want to do that then you’ll have to partition your hard drive yourself.

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