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  • #206314

    Good day,

    Can you give a clean link for TOR,because everytime I downloaded tor browser when I scan it to virustotal it is infected even I downloaded it from official website and I tried it many times the result was still thesame..

    I used firefox browser and it’s in maximum protection settings and how is it is possible third party can intercept my downloaded file and modify it on the fly..this is what I am looking from zaid courses but I saw some similar attack he is doing, I hope in the future course he improves more techniques in malware delivery as I experience when I’m downloading online a very professional method of malware delivery because even I my browser was secured and updated I’m still downloading app which is malware infected from an official website.
    Just saying.

    Thanks and bstrgds,


    Diego PérezDiego Pérez

    It is very unlikely that the file downloaded from the official website is infected. You can connect to a different network and try it again. It is also possible that Virustoal flags it as malware just because it is a tool to access the TOR network.


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