In the past, robbers use to rob a bank through physical penetration into the building and get away with money. This would lead to involvement of law enforcement agencies bringing the team of forensic experts to find clues and connect …
Hello everyone, this is my talk in the Global Cyber Security Financial Summit (GCSFS) titled “You Spent All That Money And Still Got Hacked”, as the title suggests this shows how hackers gain access to secure systems, I know there …
zLogger is a Remote persistent keylogger it is written in python, and can generate executables that run on Windows and Linux, once executed on a system it’ll run the background, record every key-strike and report to the email specified when …
When you consider attacks against cryptographic ciphers, you usually think of those attacks against the cipher itself, which allow you to break the code and recover the plaintext. It’s important to remember that the message can be attacked, even when the cipher remains unbroken …
Learn how to monitor architectural risk in this article by Neil Rerup, the person responsible for the security architecture for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and Milad Aslaner, a mission-focused security professional and an award-winning speaker and technical expert …
One of the best chipsets that support monitor mode and packet injection for both 5Ghz and 2.4 Ghz frequencies is the RealTek RTL8812AU, this makes adapters with chipset ideal for hacking, the only problem is this chipset is not natively …