Often, an exploitation of a vulnerability might lead to a disaster recovery scenario. Therefore, it is imperative to have a system in place that can prevent the vulnerabilities from being exploited in the first place. But how can you prevent …
This year in BlackHat London 2019, I presented my tool Octopus in BlackHat Arsenal, and it was really fun to present the tool in front of some talented hackers and hear a feedback about the tool from them. So I just …
Previously LordVordex published a post on using Servio to forward ports without router access, Serveo.net is great for port forwarding but due to some issues the service sometimes gets temporarily disabled. Luckily serveo.net isn’t the only port forwarding / tunnelling …
As you might know, untrusted Wifi networks can be extremely dangerous if you happen to be connected to them. In this article I am going to show you how to create a simple yet dangerous access point. We will …
Hello everyone, In this article we will learn about Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) after knowing this you will get to know about the real power of Nmap. So let’s get started 1. Nmap Installation If you are using Kali Linux …
Summary Of rConfig rConfig is an open-source network device configuration management utility for network engineers to take frequent configuration snapshots of their network devices. About The Exploit I was able two detect two remote command execution vulnerabilities in two …