Netcat is known as the swiss army knife for hackers! checkout the following video to learn more about it
Hey guys! In this video I will be talking CTFs , what are CTFs ? What Challenges are in CTFs ? How to get started ? Watch this video to answer all your questions! Slides:
Hacking has been an alarming threat to the world for a long time. In this era, when all of your precious data is on the internet your priority is always about securing your data from falling into the wrong hands. …
Hey guys , in this video you will understand the concepts of SMTP , NFS , MySQL and more! I will also be linking some good resources to have a look at. NFS Resources: SMTP …
This video answers a very common question in regards to hacking, is hacking legal? or is it illegal? check it out and let me know what you think.
Hello Hackers! I hope you all are fine and doing safe in this pandemic! So, I made a framework in Python which can be used to generate malicious payloads and gain remote access to target machines. In this article …