Hey guys! In this video, I will briefly explain to you reflected XSS 🙂
Anti-Virus (AV) scanners are that they are there to stop the script kiddies or old malware. If you are using the default settings for Metasploit or using files you downloaded from the internet, chances are that you are going to …
Hi all, In this video, I will be showing you guys how to root the Bank machine from HackTheBox. This was my recorded live Hacking session from the zSecurity VIP Discord Server. If you would like to see more like …
In this video you’ll learn how any USB device such as a normal lamp can be converted to be used to launch a badusb attack, exactly like a rubber ducky or any other HID attack device. This lamp can then …
Hey guys! In this video, I will be chatting with Hacksplained about our journeys into the infosec world, the role bug bounties plays in our lives, and freelancing in the field.
When you look at the history of emails, you will realize that this digital communication mode was created with message deliverability in mind. One thing that was not given utmost consideration is the security of the communication process. Unlike in …