hello sorry for the late reply I was busy with school but cybersecurity is my real passion
so, I did everything as you said but I wasn’t sure if I should have net.sniff on so I did it anyway, simple arp spoof attack without the hstshijack caplet and then I visited vulnweb.com but the surprise here is that it’s not loading in the victim machine, I also shared a screenshot of arp -a before and during the attack, you can find the 3 screenshots here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-_XQpmx4CRNhPnuA1y-MHGeFYv_sXTqB the pictures called ( vulnweb.com) (kali machine) (arp -a before and after)
also I paid too much attention and tried everything. I couldn’t pass the problems in the lecture 12.7 to even go to lecture 12.8 but I did so because you said that Zaid explains where to place the folder of the caplet which iv’e placed right, im just saying maybe LinkedIn is not working like it did for Zaid in lecture 12.7 and Facebook.corn in lecture 12.8 because of buttercup’s version???