June 13, 2021 at 4:09 pm
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import subprocess
import optparse
def get_args():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", "--interface", dest="interface", help="Interface to change its MAC address")
parser.add_option("-m", "--mac", dest="new_mac", help="New mac address")
(options, arguments) = get_args()
if not options.interface:
parser.error("[-] Please specify an interface, use --help for more info.")
elif not options.new_mac:
parser.error("[-] Please specify a new mac, use --help for more info.")
return options
def change_mac(interface, new_mac):
print("[+] Changing MAC address for " + interface + " to " + new_mac)
subprocess.call(["ifconfig", interface, "down"])
subprocess.call(["ifconfig", interface, "hw", "ether", new_mac])
subprocess.call(["ifconfig", interface, "up"])
def get_current_mac(interface):
ifconfig_result = subprocess.check_output("ifconfig", interface)
mac_address_search_result = re.search(r"\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w:\w\w", str(ifconfig_result))
if mac_address_search_result:
return mac_address_search_result.group(0)
print("[-] Could not read MAC address.")
options = get_args()
current_mac = get_current_mac(options.interface)
print("Current MAC = " + str(current_mac))
change_mac(options.interface, options.new_mac)
current_mac = get_current_mac(options.interface)
if current_mac == options.new_mac:
print("[+] MAC address was successfully changed to " + current_mac)
print("[-] MAC address did not get changed")