February 28, 2021 at 3:15 am
Not sure of a picture server, I can upload picture, but I’m typing word for word what the error message is
Failed with installing dependencies (1): 0
Failed with installing wine (2): 0
Veil Wine environment could not be found!
Check for evidence of /var/lib/veil/wine/drive_c
Failed to install (wine) Python 3.4.4 …Exit code:1
Failed to run (wine) Python pip … Exit code:1
Failed to run (wine) Python pip future … Exit code:1
Failed to run (wine) Python prefile future … Exit code:1
Failed to install (Wine) Ruby.exe… Exit code:1
Failed to run (wine) Ruby OCRA .. Exit code:1
Failed to run (wine) Ruby AutoIT .. Exit Code:1