Sorry, I rushed with my reply there! 🙂
I see mitmproxy attempts to do exactly that. I thought you just listed other similar ways of downgrading the connection. Thanks, I will look into that. And I’ll be on the lookout for your posts on the topic 🙂
Another thing, just a quick suggestion. Everyone is doing courses on “the cool stuff” like gaining access and hijacking webcams. But there is very little accessible knowledge on covering our tracks afterwards. Clearing logs etc. I’m not sure why, for me this concept is also fascinating, and regardless, it is very important. Maybe you guys would like to focus a little on that at some point 😉
I know it’s beside the scope of this thread, but it’s all connected, and I won’t be creating another post just to suggest this to you, you obviously know stuff 😉
Anyways, thanks again!