Hi Alison,
You have several options to bypass Windows defender, so you can:
1. Modify the backdoor executable after packaging using a hex editor, so you can use hexeditor <filename>
that comes pre-installed in Kali, and try to modify some part of it, but please make sure that you don’t break the payload. Now Zaid does cover how to do this in the “Social Engineering” course, though you can check for more examples online to buildup on this as shown below:
2. Add some random data like various printing functions, statements, and by including new variable names to make the backdoor looks more unique, thus increasing the chance of generating a unique signature that can bypass Windows Defender signatures DB. Now, this seems daunting, but this process is a trial and error process, so you have to try to edit the code without breaking it after you package the backdoor python source code of the “klog_object.py”. You can also install upx to enhance the backdoor exe when you test it on nodistribute.com from
Now, this is covered in section 15, in which you will learn how to bypass a reasonable number of AV if you follow the same procedure and the above notes and resources.
Please let me know if you face any issues again. Thank you.