Hello everyone, In today’s video, I will be showing you how to use a tool called geemailuserfinder to verify Gmail accounts.
Hello everyone, In this video i have explained the following topics: > Caesar Cipher > How does Caesar cipher work? > Caesar Cipher Encryption > Caesar Cipher Decryption > ROT Algorithm > ROT13 Algorithm > Caesar Cipher and ROT Algorithm …
I am currently the #1 ranked payload contributor on hak5. With this I often have people asking me how they can get started making their own payloads. In response to that I have made this 20+ video series on different …
Hello everyone, In this video, I will be showing you how to use a tool called fcrackzip to crack password-protected ZIP files.
Hello everyone, In this video, we will discuss about access control of files in Linux OS. In simple words, we will discuss about file permissions, different types of users of a file, chmod command, basic and special types of file …
An LNK file is a Windows Shortcut that points to a file, folder, or application. LNK files are based on the Shell Link binary file format, which holds information used to access another data object. These files can be created …